
05 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.


What is the most important natural resource and the source of most capital goods for Saudi Arabia?
gold and copper
iron ore
petroleum and natural gas


Saudi Arabia is bordered by the Persian Gulf and Red Sea. What impact does this location have on trade and the environmental issues of Saudi Arabia?
Desalination along the coasts helps to create more fresh water which farmers use to grow their crops.
The long coastline encourages trade by sea.
Access to the Suez Canal makes shipping goods to Europe much faster.
all of the above


It is illegal to practice a religion that is NOT which of the religions below?
Shia Islam
Sunni Islam


As a result of King Salman’s antiterrorism efforts, many people were executed in 2016; one of these people was a Shia cleric.  Why did this result in Iran cutting ties with Saudi Arabia?
Iran wanted to execute the cleric themselves.
Iran is a mainly Shia Muslim country.
Iran is a mainly Sunni Muslim country.
none of the above.


Saudi Arabia has which type of government?
Constitutional monarchy
Presidential democracy
Absolute monarchy
Parliamentary monarchy


What type of economy does Saudi Arabia have?


Which of the following statements is TRUE of  women’s rights in Saudi Arabia?
If a woman works outside the home, the job must involve little contact with men.
Women cannot get a passport or open a bank account without permission from a male relative.
Woman were allowed to vote and hold office beginning in 2015.
all of the above


Saudi Arabia is a leading member of OPEC because
OPEC meets in Medina.
it has a large oil supply.
it created the organization.
it imports most of its oil.

Multiple Response
Identify one or more choices that best complete the statement or answer the question.


Which of the statements below describe the impact of living in a mostly arid, desert climate? Select ALL that apply.
Farmers must rely on irrigation to grow crops.
The many rivers in the country supply most of the water for farming.
A riverbed that is dry (Wadi) is a source of water.
A natural spring that creates a pond in the middle of the desert (Oasis) is a source of water.


The abundance of oil and natural gas has made Saudi Arabia economically wealthy and they have invested in both human capital and capital goods. Which of the following are investments in human capital? Select ALL that apply.
modernizing roads, schools, airports and communication systems
investing in schools and universities
investing in technology related to oil production, transportation and communication
making education free to all citizens


How did Saudi Arabia respond when Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990? Select ALL that apply.
They provided troops to support Kuwait.
They welcomed the Kuwait royal family and 400,000 refugees.
They did not get involved.
They allowed the United Nations to use their country as a base to invade Kuwait.


King Abdullah, who reigned from 2005 to 2015, had a great impact on life in Saudi Arabia in what ways? Select ALL that apply.
He modernized social and economic programs.
He supported an increase in private ownership within the country and a decrease in the number of immigrants who were hired by Saudi companies.
After the Arab Spring protests erupted throughout Southwest Asia in 2011, he tried to settle some of the unrest by creating new benefits for Saudi citizens.
He used military force to put down rebellions throughout the country.


While there is no constitution to protect citizens’ rights and freedoms, in 1992, the Basic Law of Government was announced by royal decree. What was the purpose of this decree? Select ALL that apply.
to have in writing that the country follows Sharia law, based on Islam and the Quran
to establish the Council of Ministers
to outline the process through which the next king is chosen
to establish the Consultative Council


Which of the following statements are reasons why Saudi Arabia must begin to diversity its economy? Select ALL that apply.
The world wide demand for oil is increasing.
The world wide demand for oil is decreasing.
Fresh water resources are diminishing.
The population is growing.


Which of the following statements is true of the government of Saudi Arabia and citizen participation? Select ALL that apply.
Citizens have a very limited role in the government.
Citizens vote for the members of the Consultative Council.
Citizens are allowed to vote for half the members of 285 municipal councils.
The head of state and the head of goverment is the shah, chosen following the Rule of Basic Law.

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